Peanuts are an annual legume that is widely grown in tropical and subtropical regions. The seed, although often eaten whole or as peanut butter, can also be used as a source of oil. After pollination, the budding ovaries (pegs) grow down to the soil where seeds develop underground. Calcium is a critical nutrient for this process, and its mobility can be improved by the application of biostimulants, such as Plant Impact's products FortalisTM and VeritasTM.
Benefits of Veritas and Fortalis on peanut:
- Supports peg and pod development.
- Increased peanut yield.
- Proven compatibility with most fungicides, insecticides and other AgChem foliar sprays.

Yield uplift in peanut
In Argentina, a replicated trial (5 reps) assessed the effects of different Fortalis application timings. Fortalis (1 L/ha) was applied at either; i) first flowering and 15-20 days later, or ii) mid-flowering (with a fungicide application) and 15-20 days later. Fortalis gave a significant (P<0.05) average yield uplift of 333 kg/ha (10.3%). The effect of the spray timing was not significant (P>0.05). More data can be found in the data sheet.
Recommended products to be applied to peanut
Literature downloads
Fortalis peanut data sheet
Veritas peanut data sheet
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