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microscope image of a translucent leaf

Calcium mobility technology

Our calcium mobility biostimulant technology, branded under the name CaTTM, optimises movement and distribution of calcium in plant tissue to help improve crop quality and yield, and reduce the risk of calcium disorders.

calcium mobility technology CaT

Key benefits of CaT
  • Aids localised calcium movement.
  • Provides a more uniform calcium distribution.
  • Improves crop quality, storage and shelf life.
  • Increases marketable yield.
Why is calcium mobility important?

Calcium is an essential plant nutrient that is used in maintaining cell wall structure and plant membrane integrity. It is principally taken up with water in the plant’s transpiration stream, meaning that organs with low transpiration rates, such as fruits, can get insufficient calcium. This is worse during rapid growth periods when the calcium demand in fruit often exceeds what is provided in the transpiration stream, even if ample calcium is provided in the soil. This leads to calcium deficiency disorders such as bitter pit in apples.


CaT mode of action

microscope image of a translucent leaf
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CaT compatibility

Agrochemical spraying arm over field
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Diagram showing the different pathways of calcium transport through cells

How does CaT work?

CaT is a synthetic molecule that stimulates selective ion transport channels in plant membranes, increasing the concentration of calcium within the cytoplasm of cells. This improves localised calcium movement via the symplastic pathway, which is important in tissues with low transpiration rates.
Graph showing how our calcium mobility technology increases cytoplasmic calcium content

CaT increases cytoplasmic calcium concentration

Plant Impact collaborated with Lancaster University to measure the effect of CaT products on cellular calcium concentration. A small flowering plant, Arabidopsis thaliana, was incubated in solutions of varying Veritas (a CaT containing product) concentrations. The plant was modified so that it’s bioluminescence could be used to quantify the calcium concentration within the cytoplasm of cells. The results showed that application of Veritas increased the cytoplasmic calcium concentration relative to the control.
Products that contain CaT technology
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